Underlaying material under laminated covers, parquets and other coverings

Thermal-insulation bands with thickness 2 or 3 mm laminated with 100 – 200 µm thick LDPE foil are used as a thermal insulation under laminated covers, parquets and other underlaying covers. They soften thermal differences between temperatures of floor and room temperature. They protect floors against damp from the ground. .

  • simple handling
  • they mute step noise and soften walking
  • they adjust floor irregularities
  • resistance against chemicals
  • non-absorbability
  • long durability
  • harmlessness to health
  • 100% recycling ability
  • does not contain freons (CFC and HCFC)

a polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure

  1. Clean the floor before placing the bands.
  2. Put the insulation bands directly at underlayingd.
  3. Put the insulation band under the laminated floor or another cover.
  4. Between parquets and the wall there has to be a dilatation space.
  5. Bands in rolls are placing closely one to each other. To insure that the material is not moving, we can use contact glue (e.g. dispersing, pourethane, caoutchouc or mastic asphalt in cold).
  6. When the bands are fixed, we cover the floor according the instructions.
  7. When the band is overlapping the floor, we cut it by knife.
  8. We hid the dilatation space by using the marginal bands.
  • as an underlay for underlaying heating
  • as an underlay for floors with temperatures higher than +90°C
  • laying bands in superposition
  • using in very damp environment

Technical specification

Technical specification Measure Value Measure method by
Material structure A polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure
Thickness mm 2
Density kg/m3 22 STN 64 7011: 1977
Standard width mm 1000 – 1300
Standard lenght m 25 – 300
Absorbability Obj. % Max. 2 STN 64 5421
Size duration % Max. 2 STN 64 5405
Effect on environment Ecologically harmless, without freons, 100% recyclable
Hygienical valuation of the material Heatlhy and hygienically clean material Decision af a main hygienic SK
Step noise muting ΔLW dB 18,4 STN EN ISO 717-2
Technical specification Measure Value Measure method by
Material structure A polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure
Thickness mm 3
Density kg/m3 21 STN 64 7011: 1977
Standard width mm 1000 – 1300
Standard lenght m 25 – 300
Absorbability Obj. % Max. 2 STN 64 5421
Size duration % Max. 2 STN 64 5405
Effect on environment Ecologically harmless, without freons, 100% recyclable
Hygienical valuation of the material Heatlhy and hygienically clean material Decision af a main hygienic SK
Step noise muting ΔLW dB 18,4 STN EN ISO 717-2

Insulation against step noise

Polypen is a thin, soft and elastic band from polyethylene foam with closed cellular structure. Considering to its 5 and 10 mm thickness it presents an effective sound insulation of floors. This foam allows making floor thickness thinner in compare with classically used materials. Also it is used to decrease step noise in roofs detached flats. For non-absorbability it is ideal to use it in bathrooms and laundries.

  • Simple handling
  • They mute step noise and soften walking
  • They adjust floor irregularities
  • Resistance against chemicals
  • Long durability
  • Non-absorbability
  • Harmlessness to health
  • 100% recycling ability
  • Does not contain Freon’s (CFC and HCFC)

a polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure

  1. Clean the floor before placing the bands.

  2. Put the insulation band under concrete smudge. Between concrete and the wall there has to be a dilatation space.

  3. We put the insulation bands abreast.

  4. We roll the bands closely abreast. We can use adhesive band to past together the insulation bands.

  5. When the bands are fixed, we cover the floor according the instructions.

  6. When the band is overlapping the floor, we cut it by knife.

  7. We hide the dilatation space by using the marginal bands.

  • as an underlay for floors with temperatures higher than +90°C
  • laying bands in superposition
  • using in very damp environment
  • using in rough background

Technical characteristics

Technical characteristics Measure Value Measure method by
Material structure A polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure
Thickness mm 5
Density kg/m3 26 STN 64 7011: 1977
Standard width mm 100, 110
Standard lenght m 50
Absorbability Obj. % Max. 2 STN 64 5421
Size duration % Max. 2 STN 64 5405
Effect on environment Ecologically harmless, without freons, 100% recyclable
Hygienical valuation of the material Heatlhy and hygienically clean material Decision af a main hygienic SK
Step noise muting ΔLW dB 16,9 STN EN ISO 717-2
Technical characteristics Measure Value Measure method by
Material structure A polyethylene foam  with constrained cellular structure
Thickness mm 10
Density kg/m3 27 STN 64 7011: 1977
Standard width mm 1000 – 1300
Standard lenght m 25 – 300
Absorbability Obj. % Max. 2 STN 64 5421
Size duration % Max. 2 STN 64 5405
Effect on environment Ecologically harmless, without freons, 100% recyclable
Hygienical valuation of the material Heatlhy and hygienically clean material Decision af a main hygienic SK
Step noise muting ΔLW dB 18 STN EN ISO 717-2

Dilatation bands

permanently elastic filling of dynamically stressed expansion gaps characterized by the ability to eliminate the negative effects of thermal expansion of building materials. The special construction of the strips prevents the leakage of cement water from the concrete into the external wall or open areas. The permanently flexible filling of expansion joints reduces the transmission of noise from floors to peripheral masonry. The bands are produced in various widths and thicknesses. The material is excellent flexible, permanently flexible and easy to process.

  • very good insulation properties
  • non-absorbability and chemical resistance
  • healthy and ecologically harmless material
  • recycleable
  • for easier handling it is produced with selfadhesive tape
  • výplň dilatačných medzier pri konštrukcii všetkých typov priemyselných podláh
  • výplň dilatačných medzier pri konštrukcii všetkých typov vykurovaných podláh
  • výplň dilatačných medzier pri konštrukcii všetkých typov plávajúcich podláh
  • zníženie prenosu hluku a vibrácií z priemyselných podláh do obvodovej steny
  • zabránenie úniku cementovej vody z betónu do obvodových murív či voľnej plochy
  • standard colour: white
  • standard produced thicknesses: 1 mm – 10 mm
  • standard produced widths: 80 mm – 250 mm
  • standard lenght: 25 m

Types of dilatation bands

  • S LDPE fóliou so samolepiacim pásom
  • S LDPE fóliou bez samolepiaceho pásu

Prevedenia podľa želania zákazníka je možné dohodnúť si s výrobcom.

  1. Ako výplň dilatačných medzier sa vsunie do dilatačnej medzery, hrúbka materiálu musí zodpovedať šírke dilatačnej medzery.
  2. Ako výplň dilatačných medzier sa vsunie do dilatačnej medzery, hrúbka materiálu musí zodpovedať šírke dilatačnej medzery.
  3. Ako zábrana úniku cementovej vody z betónu do obvodových murív sa používa dilatačný pás s parozábranou (laminovaná s LDPE fóliou) vybavená so samolepiacim pásom, ktorý priložíme k stene a pomocou samolepiaceho pásu ho upevníme.

Self-adhesive strips and boards

The self-adhesive layer is designed for the connection of heat-insulating boards and bands POLYPEN with metal, ceramic, glass or plastic base surfaces. POLYPEN thermal insulation boards and strips with self-adhesive can be applied to surfaces whose permanent temperature ranges from 0 ° C to +80 ° C. Applied thermal insulation boards and bands POLYPEN must be protected from direct weathering.

The use:

  • thermal insulation of water tanks, tanks, etc.
  • thermoacoustic insulation of ventilation ducts
  • excellent thermal insulation properties
  • flexibility and easy formability (belts
  • chemical resistance
  • non absorbability
  • long life
  • material harmless to health and hygiene
  • material harmless to health and hygiene
  • does not contain CFCs

Adhesion of the self-adhesive layer is influenced by:

  • chemical and physical properties of glued surfaces
  • by the presence of debris on the bonded surfaces
  • temperature and humidity of glued surfaces
  • temperature and humidity of the environment in which the application is carried out
  • plates weight

The adhesive force is not caused by the reaction of the adhesive to the substrate, nor by the drying of the adhesive, but only by perfect contact of the adhesive and the substrate. The adhesive force is greater the flatter and smoother the base surface and the greater the pressure the pressure-sensitive adhesive is pressed against the base surface. Boards with a self-adhesive layer must be glued to the substrate fully. Partial attachment (points, stripes and others) is insufficient. Use fasteners or special metal brackets to fasten boards over 20 mm thick to vertical surfaces and ceilings.

The active life of the self-adhesive layer is 6 months from the date of manufacture.

  • penový polyetylén s uzavretou bunkovou štruktúrou
  • hrúbka 5 mm – 60 mm
  • samolepiaca vrstva (lepiaca vrstva na kaučukovej báze, s nosičom)
  • PET/Al, 15my (reflexná fólia naparená hliníkom)
  1. Pre izoláciu rovných potrubí používajte POLYPEN vo forme dosiek. Pre izoláciu potrubí kruhového tvaru používajte POLYPEN vo forme pásov.
  2. Plochu, na ktorú sa má doska alebo pás nalepiť, je potrebné najprv zbaviť mechanických nečitôt (najmä hrdze a prachu) a potom ju dôkladne odmastiť technickým benzínom. Nepoužívať saponáty, zanechávajú na povrchu film, ktorý znižuje priľnavosť samolepiacej vrstvy.
  3. Aplikáciu samolepu nevykonávajte vo výrazne vlhkom prostredí. V prípade potreby je možné podkladovú plochu vysušiť prúdom teplého vzduchu.
  4. Pri izolovaní členitých plôch, hranatých potrubí, nádrží a pod. Je neprípustné použiť jeden kus pásu alebo dosky a ohýbať ich cez hrany. Izoláciu je potrebné vykonávať z jednotlivých dielov, vždy iba ku hrane. Jednotlivé diely režte rozmerovo čo najpresnejšie.
  5. Pri aplikácii nesmie dochádzať ani k naťahovaniu ani k vtláčaniu jednotlivých dielov do priestoru. V oboch prípadoch by pôsobením pnutia došlo k oddeleniu pásu či dosky od podkladu.
  6. Ochranný separačný papier odstraňujte tesne pred aplikáciou.
  7. Všetky spoje na plochách a hranách prelepte dôsledne samolepiacou páskou každých 50 cm s totožnou povrchovou úpravou.
  8. Montáž tepelno-izolačných dosiek a pásov POLYPEN vykonávať pri teplote vyššej ako + 12 °C

Príklady nesprávnej aplikácie

  • aplikácia na rozvody nízkotlakej a vysokotlakej pary
  • externá aplikácia bez povrchovej úpravy pred vplyvom počasia a UV žiarenia
  • inštalácia do miest, kde teplota okolia prevyšuje +90 °C
  • aplikácia samolepiacich dosiek a pásov hrúbky presahujúcej 20 mm na zvislé plochy a stropy

Tepelno-izolačné dosky a pásy POLYPEN skladujte v suchom prostredí a v pôvodných obaloch. Skladovaný materiál chráňte pred extrémnymi teplotami, priamym slnečným žiarením a pred nečistotami.

Vapor-reflective bubble foil

The vapor-reflective bubble wrap combines the properties of vapor-tight film, thermal insulation and reflective effects. The foil is made by laminating a reflective aluminum layer onto a bubble foil. The aluminum layer reflects up to 90% of the thermal radiation back into the room. The reflective layer together with the air cushions of the bubble wrap and the air gap between the film and the inner lining act as an additional insulation replacing up to 50 mm of mineral wool. The application of the foil removes the thermal bridges between the insulation and the rafters. The economic return of the foil is 1-2 years. When used as insulation under floor heating, it ensures that the radiant heat from the heating does not leak into the floor but into the room

  • cca 100% vapor barrier
  • cca 90% reflection of thermal radiation
  • cca 20% thermal energy savings
  • protects against electromagnetic radiation
  • Resistant to (sun) UV radiation and chemicals
  • long life

bubble foil laminated with aluminum foil DUPLEX foil. DUPLEX film is composed of 12 µm thick reflective foil of metallised polyester (PET) and 17 µm thick low density polyethylene (LDPE) foil.

  • standard color: white
  • standard thicknesses: from 1 mm to 10 mm
  • standard widths: from 80 mm to 250 mm
  • standard winding length: 25 m

Types of expansion strips

  • With LDPE foil with self-adhesive tape
  • With LDPE film without self-adhesive tape

Versions according to the customer’s wish can be agreed with the product.

  1. Stretch the foil under the trusses with the reflective side facing the room
  2. Leave an overlap of approximately 100 mm
  3. The joints are sealed with reflective tape to prevent water vapor from entering the insulation.
  4. It is necessary to tighten the foil properly around walls, roof windows and chimneys.
  5. On the foil are mounted wooden beams or CD profiles to which the plasterboard or other facing.
  6. The air gap between the foil and the cladding (approx. 30 mm) must be maintained to leave reflective properties.
  7. When installed under floor heating, the foil is laid on the floor with the reflective side facing the room.
  8. The joints shall be sealed with reflective tape, the foil must be properly sealed around permanent obstacles on the floor.
  • installation on surfaces exceeding + 90 ° C
  • laying belts on top of each other
  • use in very humid environments

LDPE foil building

We offer LDPE foil in following versions: tube, tube with markers, halftube, halftube cut right, left and flat foil. It is used as a steam-block and insulation against damp.

Standard dimensions

Thickness: 50µm – 200 µm
Maximal width: 1200 mm
Marker´s width: 700 mm
Colour: transparent or black

Foil versions